Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger point injection is a pain treatment option for patients with severe muscle spasm. The procedure treats painful knots and tight bands that form when muscles do not relax. Many times, such knots can be felt under the skin. All trigger points are done in office by highly trained and board-certified providers. AII procedures are done using ultrasound guidance to ensure accurate medication delivery and eliminate any risk of injury from the injection.
This injection relieves neck, shoulder, and arm pain caused by pinched nerves in the cervical spine. It also relieves lower back, knee and leg pain caused by pinched nerves in the lumbar spine. Herniated discs and spinal stenosis can compress nerves, causing inflammation and pain. These injections help decrease nerve swelling.
Facet Injection Therapy
Facet joint pain occurs when one or more facet joints in your neck or lower back hack become irritated and swollen. Medication is injected into the facet joint space during a facet joint injection. The facet joint injection procedure can be performed as a diagnostic injection and can provide several hours of pain relief by diagnosing the underlying issue. You can then receive a facet joint injection using anti-inflammatory medications for prolonged relief. All facet injections are done in office at all of our locations.
Joint Injections
Joint injections are done in office using ultrasound guidance. These joints include shoulders, knees, elbows, wrists (carpal tunnel), hips and ankles. Initial injections are done using steroids. If our patients continue to have pain after steroid injections, we then look at PRP as an alternative to prevent surgical intervention.